

Since the United Arab Emirates (UAE) was formed in December 1971, the UAE and Japan have continued to strengthen their political, economic, and cultural exchanges, and have built up more than 50 years of friendship and goodwill. Based on the relationship between the UAE and Japan over the years, we believe that deepening exchanges and promoting mutual understanding and friendship between the two countries are crucial for peace, stability and prosperity of both countries towards a shared future.
INPEX CORPORATION (INPEX), through Japan Oil Development Company Limited (JODCO), a wholly owned subsidiary, has been engaged in the development and production of crude oil in the UAE, while supporting its core business with social contribution activities in the fields of education, environment and culture. One of INPEX/JODCO's important missions is to help strengthen relations and promote mutual understanding and joint collaborations between the UAE and Japan through the empowerment of Emirati society and the implementation of activities advocating exchanges between the UAE and Japan.
On the occasion of JODCO's 50th anniversary in 2023, a year of great significance, this foundation has been established with the aim to further contribute to promoting and developing mutual respect and understanding between the UAE and Japan. Through the implementation of activities that contribute to the empowerment of Emirati society and advocate exchanges between the UAE and Japan, we hope that we can contribute to promoting mutual understanding and friendship and strengthening ties between the two countries.

General Information

Date of Foundation 12 December 2022
Address Akasaka Biz Tower, Akasaka 5-3-1, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan
President Director Hiroshi Fujii


We aim to contribute to promote mutual understanding and friendship between the UAE and Japan, and will implement following projects.

  • ・Projects contributing to the development of youth in the UAE and to youth exchange between the UAE and Japan
  • ・Projects contributing to environmental protection in the UAE and environmental exchange between UAE and Japan
  • ・Projects contributing to the preservation and development of Emirati and Japanese cultures and cultural exchanges between the UAE and Japan